​Society of the First
Families of New York

Please send inquiries to: FirstFamiliesNY@gmail.com, the application will be emailed in response. You will be obliged to submit the application on acid free paper with a check or money order in the amount of $400.00 representing application and membership fees.

Supplemental Applications
​Supplemental applications may be submitted with a prescribed fee of $200.00. The same criteria apply as for an initial application.
Member Application
Within one year, unless granted extension by the Society, the applicant shall return to the Society all required documents, prepared in accordance with instructions established and distributed by the Society, and accompanied by the prescribed fees and dues.
After the Registrar determines that the lineage requirement has been met, the applicant will be referred to the Membership Committee for approval.
The Society may not discriminate against the applicant on the basis of race or creed.
A copy of an approved application from the following lineage societies may be substituted as proof of lineage and proof of documentation, however in all cases, the Registrar will be the final determiner and authority of acceptability of the lineage proofs.​

Acceptable Lineage Societies:
Society of the Cincinnati
Daughters of the Cincinnati
General Society of the Sons of the Revolution
Sons of the American Revolution
General Society of Colonial Wars
Holland Society of New York
Saint Nicholas Society of the City of New York
Daughters of Holland Dames
Colonial Dames of America
National Society of Colonial Dames of America
National Society of Colonial Dames XVII Century
National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution
National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution
Order of the Founders and Patriots of America
National Society of Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America
The Jamestowne Society
General Society of Mayflower Descendants
Dutch Settlers Society of Albany
Order of the Crown of Charlemagne in the United States of America
Peter Stuyvesant (1612-1672)
Wyckoff House
Fraunces' Tavern